Our Divine feminine energies are all about creation.
We are starting to see a rise of female empowerment, leaders, influencers and entrepreneurs.
And today while it’s international women’s day ( March 8) is the perfect day to celebrate such energies.
A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change.
So let’s all choose to challenge.
How will you help forge a gender equal world?
Celebrate women’s achievement.
Raise awareness against bias.
Take action for equality.
IWD #ChooseToChallenge #2021
I love you, Xo Lynnie
The first Women’s History Day was held in 1909
Women’s History Month isn’t perfect
Professor Kimberly A. Hamlin argued in a Washington Post op-ed that when men make history, it’s just called “history.” But when women make history, it’s “women’s history.”
It’s a fair point to keep in mind, now and especially as the country moves forward to a more equitable tomorrow.
The day became Women’s History Week in 1978
Since 1995, every president has issued a proclamation declaring March Women’s History Month, usually with a statement about its importance
Every Women’s History Month has a theme
Aretha Franklin was the first woman inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame