We’re throwing a rad bridal shower – get this, we’ll be pampering a bunch of cabbages, brewing kombucha, sipping on fancy vinegars, and filling the kitchen with bubbles galore!
It’s all set for a fresh start for a lovebird duo.
Plus, everyone gets to adopt a kimchi jar, ‘kraut jar, and kefir & kombucha baby!
Sending big love & cheers to a fabulous weekend ahead!
Garlic – The royal powerhouse of the kitchen and first aid kit!
Kneel before the mighty garlic, ruling over both the kitchen and medicine drawer!
Armed with antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal superpowers, garlic is the ultimate health guru, offering a treasure trove of wellness perks.
And guess what?
By fermenting garlic, we unleash a squad of gut-friendly probiotics, boosting our vitamin game and turning us into digestion dynamos!
We want to feed you!
(with interesting, mouth-watering updates)
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