Mucilage! Yes, as disgusting as it may sound.
Mucilage / Slime Sauerkraut
Okra, aloe, prickly pear, marshmallow root, wild greens, cabbage, turmeric, ginger, kelp, chia, goji and salt.
The mucilaginous plants have a long history of medicinal uses in traditional diets.
They help digestive tract conditions and promote good health
Combined with the good bacteria from fermentation you have gut – loving goodness
The magical fermentation process also removes the slimy taste.
We to blitz Mucilage Sauerkraut in dips, salad dressing and amazing smoothie bowls.
Also as a tongue-tasty condiment on the side or in anything!
Filleted Aloe Vera is a great addition.
A powerful adaptogen! Hence why it is used for sunburn.
and bacteria, Xo,
P.S. What’s happening in your fermenting lair?
Beautiful well-needed rain here … getting the garden beds ready for the next fermenting season.
Making a few beverages, dehydrating the bottoms of the sauerkraut jars and dehydrating brines.
Happy weekend everyone!!!

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