By Lynnie Stein / December 7, 2022

The Final Chapter Begins

The Gut Academy Chronicle: December Edition

“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.”

– Jonathan Huie

So this is it.

  • The beginning of the end of 2022. Endings are powerful.
  • Get the ending wrong, and your growth could be stunted by lingering baggage that saps your energy and attention.
  • A properly executed ending however, provides closure and cleanliness, readying you to attack the new with refreshed vigour.
  • So much happenings and doings.
  • Now, it’s time to take a breath.
  • Time to start learning from it all
  • Time to quiet the noise.
  • Time to start mining all the important lessons of the last 11 months and seeing what we can discover.
  • About ourselves.
    About our energy spent.
    About the distance we have come.
  • We truly believe in our hearts that life is about growth.
  • And that it is up us to navigate how much and which direction we can grow.
  • So only with careful discernment and a compassionate self-awareness…
  • can we even begin to attempt to master this art of living.
  • And in moments like this, on the eve of something ending and something new beginning again…
  • that mastery, that art: it can actually be found inside a single, simple, still and conscious breath.

  • So let’s come together this month, and smile brightly.
    With each other, with our families, with our loved ones, and with ourselves- inside, where it all begins

Happy December everybody.

May we all take the time to look back before we all look ahead at the new chapter and all of the adventures to come.

The Gift of Fermentation

  • Simple pleasures, simple food well prepared, more time spent on people than things.
  • Homemade fermented goodies add a level of sophistication.

The festive season can be the most expensive time of the year. Between buying gifts, going out to parties, and entertaining, the financial pressure starts to add up!

You are not obligated to continue Christmas Traditions that leave you Broke, Overwhelmed, or Tired.

Give A gift of precious time that will always be welcome. With inflation on the increase, many families are struggling. Ask what they would like done? We have put together an alphabet of gift ideas that include not only things to make and selections of home grown produce but also offers of your love, labour, and energy to perform chores for special gifts for Christmas and all year round.

How can you add value to someone’s life today?

FREE DIY Festive Ferments Recipes

Hands up if you have finished Christmas shopping?

The best part of a celebration is ________________

Gifting homemade with love edibles never goes out of style.

Why not give the gift of fermentation to our loved ones? A tasty treat + the gift of healing all rolled into one. What better Christmas gift could we ask for? The power of Giving!!

DIY Christmas Gifts From A-Z

Happy gut-loving gifting and munching!

Memories are priceless! Chilling with good company, food, beverages, old tunes, and reminiscing. 

Memories of my grandparents, cutting of the tunnel after the Christmas dinner (roast turkey with apple and nut stuffing, brined potatoes, and red sauerkraut). What a wonderful ritual!!!

The traditional meal was served on Christmas Eve. It was based on the stories not the turkey (came on the first day of Christmas), but herring salad … made from herring filets, beetroot, pickles, onions, apples, potatoes, and eggs. Served with fresh bread or toast.

In the ritual of Christmas Eve, the gate of the tunnel after the herring salad was the great event of the evening. Unfortunately, we do not have grandma’s tunnel recipe to share. Hence why it is so important to store and share family festive traditions. The tunnel was made over a couple of days with the sourdough process and fruit was macerated in rum and had bone marrow added in place of butter. The sourdough Stollen in the FREE festive download makes two loaves … one to keep and one for gifting.

Traditions … Those little rituals passed down from generation to generation that help shape family by creating a sense of unity, warmth, and closeness.

They create memories of peace, love, happiness, and security

Whatever is beautiful. Whatever is meaningful. Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this  Festive Season and throughout the coming year.

Love & bacteria, Xo,

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