It was a bright idea that came into Alice’s head.
“Is that the reason so many tea-things are put out here? ” she asked.
” Yes, that’s it, ” said the Hatter with a sigh: “It’s always tea-time, and we’ve no time to wash the things between whiles.”
“Then you keep moving round, I suppose? said Alice.

“Exactly so,” said the Hatter …

If you own a tiered cake stand, dust it off and use it for the centrepiece. Otherwise, use your best crockery and make it a little more special with lace-like doilies, folded napkins and name place cards.
Charity shops are a good source for reasonably priced chintzy Chinaware to get that authentic ye olde tearoom look. Don’t worry if the patterns are mismatched – it makes the event a little more hip. You’ll need a teapot, teacups, cutlery and cake slicers for serving.

Extend your table and dress it with a tablecloth. Fabric shops sell calico and is very effective for this. Charity stores are a wonderful place for vintage Irish linen tablecloths and serviettes.
String up some bunting or, if you’re feeling ambitious, bake some edible bunting biscuits.
While you’re at it, you could make some name-place cookies, icing them with your guests’ names.
Pop them in paper bags so your guests have a little present to take away, or just snaffle them as an entrée.

Get ahead by prepping your fillings in advance, then assemble just before guests arrive to avoid the dreaded soggy sannie.
Have you thrown your own afternoon tea party?