Stop for a healthy, tasty treat..

It’s 3.30pm and you’re feeling drenched from the day.
This is when you reach for that pick-me-up snack.
We love our planning day, when we check what ferments need topping up and we fill the fridge with prepared food. Makes the week run smoothly.
Yum pots are always a quick grab and go snack or better still ..sit and relax with a kefir chia pudding.
Made with 3 ingredients ..I like to make mine with my own coconut milk / tiger nut kefir milk, chia seeds made into a gel (easy on digestion) and I use turmeric and ginger water kefir and fresh seasonal fruit.
When it settles in the fridge, has a pudding texture and will take endless topping possibilities… sometimes a dash of fermented dried brine finds it’s way in there too and the secret tasty Wow topper is fermented ginger and turmeric. Can you see it?

Here it is the kitchen WOW !! Download the step-by-step process + recipes on how to mix it in and tummy lovin’ tips!

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Here is how to ferment your turmeric and ginger in lime brine.