Spa pedicures are a wonderful luxury, but treatments are pricey for high-maintenance feet.
If tootsies are left unattended, you may develop fissures: extremely painful cracks in the skin – particularly on the back of your heels – that may bleed and become infected.
Soak your little piggies by adding about 1 to 2 cups – the more the better – of pineapple juice to a foot bath or use a large, clean bucket if you don’t own one.
An enzyme (called Bromelain) in pineapple juice naturally sloughs off dry skin.
Or, try mixing 1 tablespoon of sea salt with 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil.
Soak, then scrub rough areas for a few minutes after your shower.
Rinse, towel off, moisturize, and then don fluffy organic-cotton socks and wear them through the night, as you sleep.
Apply fresh fruit and lemon juice to your feet for extra pampering … If your skin has remnants of dry skin left, apply lemon juice, a ripe banana or crushed pineapple to your cracked heels.
Leave this fruit mixture on your feet for 10 minutes.
Follow with a layer of moisturizer to help soften tootsies.
You’ll awaken with new feet!