Don’t get angry
or enraged
or insulted,
Rise above the bullshit.
Flick your light back on, and shine it brighter than ever,
and fall so deeply in love
with your own life
that anyone who tried to wrong you
becomes a laughable, ridiculous
distant memory.
Follow your heart … your brain is stupid
Pay close attention to your feelings
If it doesn’t feel right .. walk away
your heart is the most powerful intelligence in your body
Your heart started beating before your brain existed
We form an emotional brain before a rational brain
Your heart wants to take you where you need to go
As Tony Robbins said … When your in your head your dead
True peace comes from following your heart
Peace and clarity .. your heart knows the way
Follow your gut, follow your intuition
Live fully and follow your heart even if that doesn’t suit those around you
As a society we are so conditioned
Your heart will lead you to your authentic self
Don’t follow the crowd and be safe
Ask is there some purpose for me in life
Go for the things you are passionate about and love to do
We are all here for a purpose
You always have the answer inside you
Just follow your heart and don’t be confused with the voices in your head
Follow your heart
Your brain is stupid xo Lynnie