By Lynnie Stein / August 13, 2022

Perpetual Kindness + Compassionate People Are The Happiest

To be kind alone it already a difficult task, what more to maintain perpetual kindness! It seems to me to be a daunting task. Is it possible for us to be perpetually kind?

“Nothing can make our lives, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.”

Daily thoughts to nourish the soul. A calendar of wisdom y Leo Tolstoy
This collection of daily thoughts to nourish the soul from the world’s sacred texts by Leo Tolstoy feature gems of inspiration and wisdom—author Thomas Keneally calls this book “transcendent, and that we are grateful he lived long enough to endow us with his grand inheritance.”
This is the first-ever English-language edition of the book Leo Tolstoy considered to be his most important contribution to humanity, the work of his life’s last years.

Kind And Compassionate People Are The Happiest

• How did Tolstoy manage to maintain his perpetual kindness?

• Was his kindness a feeling or was it an action?

• How was he able to prevent the persistent, conflicting emotions derailing him from his path of perpetual kindness?

• Would he have given us a pass, or would he have failed us if we were kind than unkind most of the time?

• Tolstoy, a perpetual teacher that he was, was he telling us to be aware of our responsibility?

• Was he teaching us values here?

• Was he telling us to moderate our behaviour?

• A master observer of human nature that he was, was he telling us that to be kind or unkind is a choice we can make?

• All religions instruct us to develop kindness, to be kind to ourselves and to extend kindness to others.

Does anyone has any idea how to develop “perpetual kindness”? The world is in dire need of it!

Happiness is not so much in having as sharing.We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give.

Meditation Trains Your Brain To Be Kind And Compassionate

small boy meditating

• How the brain plasticity changes achieved through meditation make you more kind and compassionate

• And it all starts with the brain. A highly cited UCLA School of Medicine study found that the “right anterior dorsal insula” of meditators to be highly active while in session.

What’s the link?

• As shown by University of Wisconsin neuroscientists’ brain imaging, this happens to be the same brain area that lights up like a Christmas tree when our “kindness & compassion o-meter” is full bore.

• How upgrading your brain structure can train you to be both kind and compassionate
Is it just a coincidence that many of history’s greatest humanitarians were also meditators?

• Was it meditation’s massive shift in consciousness that propelled them to do such great things?

• While becoming a kinder and more compassionate person may not put a Nobel Prize on your trophy shelf, it most certainly can make the day of anyone who crosses your path.

With one small gesture, you can change somebody’s life

• It’s often the little things that make the world a better place, the butterfly effect is a powerful thing.

small boy with Ulysses butterfly
The two pertinent things that the butterfly effect teaches us is that small things matter, and we are all connected to a bigger system. Our action now, today, would have been the result of a previous action and this could in turn, lead to a future action.
“It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now been realized that this is a very old-fashioned view held by people totally out of touch with modern thought. The things that change the world, according to Chaos theory, are the tiny things. A butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of Europe.”— from Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

We are all in this together

• Don’t underestimate the importance of your own behaviour.

Little things that you do can make a difference even if there is no immediately apparent result.

• An act of kindness may have profound effects that you never see.

• However, an act of malice can do the same.

With “put yourself in other people’s shoes” and “see your face in others” meditative mindset, how much positive change can you spark in the world?

Big love, Xo,

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