By Lynnie Stein / December 30, 2018


How can you relax and make a healthy food feast at the same time?

For a splendid New Years Eve Feast, plan to prepare with friends.

Invite a crowd to meet early, and prepare and cook together in teams.

Greet your guests with tools and ingredients, laid out artfully as if you were setting the table.

This makes food prep much more enjoyable!

Ask for dish washing volunteers!

Chances are you’ll make it so intriguing to cook together that your family and friends may volunteer to help you organize another celebration feast!

Our motto is EASY on the tongue, EASY on the eye and EASY to prepare and eat. Tasty, Creative and Simple + Time to Relax with Guests.

A Night with the Girls (Of course this could be boys too)

Antipasto Board

Fermented foods are a perfect addition to any antipasto platter as they will assist in digestion (for example, cheese) and are so delicious, nutritious and addictive.


Soaked Quinoa Bircher breakfast becomes the basis for Quinoa Spiced Muffins with Zucchini and Pink Falafel Pickle and Wild-Miso Pesto; to make this a one-pot, two-meal recipe, spoon half into bowls for breakfast, top with berries then pour the rest onto a baking sheet to set, keep in the refrigerator, and in the evening make into quinoa savory muffins and serve with sauerkraut salad.


Probiotic Raitas are simple side dishes served with a few varieties of curry + Quinoa Dosa and the center piece of a stuffed pawpaw.

For the center piece – makes a stunning first impression – Papaya Bomb!!!

  1. Select a 90% ripe but firm pawpaw or / papaya.

2. Peel

3. Cut off the top to remove seeds and connecting tissue Cut a thin slice from the bottom so it will stand up.

4. Stuff with fave curry filling/s – Dahl, vegetables, quinoa, etc.

5. Garnish

6. Bake in a moderate oven for about 45 minutes, basting several times during cooking.

Surround with roast vegetables and basmati rice.

Choose 2-3 Raitas to soothe the palate and provide a cooling contrast to curry.

Fermented coconut chutney, kefir, cucumber pickles, bananas,- add a dash of cinnamon, cardamom and cayenne, activated cashews, Fermented Chutneys – mango, papaya or tomato salsa, lemon pickles, pink falafel pickles, fermented ginger and turmeric, quickie kimchi, salted orange or lemon / lime slices.

Stunning Salted Centerpiece.

1. Fill glass vase with Salted

2. Poke in lime leaves randomly for color.

3. Just before guest’s sit down, fill the vase with fizzy mineral water.

The effect is sensational … our salted lemon had caraway seeds and they were moving up and down  

Strained into a glass you have a wonderful Salted lemonade. Our beautiful Vietnamese friend Vernon would muddle a Salted wedge in a glass with a dash of honey, topped with fizzy water.

How can you truly relax and make a food feast at the same time?

To unite family and friends with widely differing tastes, have a serve-yourself Mexican Feast!

Keep it artful and simple.

Coordinate a Mezze feast or a simple burrito party – plan with a friend, decide on the mood and menu you want.

Prepare and cook together, prepare special ingredients ahead of time (such as soaked cashew nuts, cooked grain, chickpeas).

We hope the next part of the year brings much abundance and love your way and you have time to rest and relax with loved ones.

Love and bacteria, Lynnie 

Have you entertained by getting the guests to help prepare the feast?

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