“This isn’t just positive thinking, it’s a power move of creation!”
“Jot down all the qualities you crave in someone else, and start owning them yourself!”
“Let’s ditch the drama and focus on the feels, shall we? Time to heal those emotional wounds!”
Writing Your List.
After you’ve contemplated the specific qualities that are important to you in a partner, write your list out in ink on a beautiful sheet of stationary. As you write each word, imagine that you are living with your soulmate right now, giving thanks for their presence in your life.
When you’re happy with yourself, then all of your other relationships improve, too. A happy person is very attractive to others.
Therefore, the first relationship to improve is the one you have with yourself. If you’re looking for more love, then you need to love yourself more. This means no criticism, no complaining, no blaming, no whining, and no choosing to feel lonely. It means being very content with yourself in the present moment and choosing to think thoughts that make you feel good now.
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