What is it like to work with Me?
What’s the process like?

Work with me
Our work is customized to you
Here is the plan:
• I want to set out the clear objectives and outcomes.
• From a single session to 6 one-on-one sessions
• By the end of our first set of 6 one-on-one sessions together you will…
A. Total transformation in 63 days! Action – do limited amount of time for 63 days. Mind healing needs 3 cycles of 21 days.
B. Learn how to break your own worst routines. Combining occupational therapy-based strategies. Occupations are all the things we do to occupy our time. So, each week of the program we focus on a topic related to a specific occupation.
C. Such as Nutrition and Hydration, Intuitive Food Preparation, Gut Health, Sleep, Sex, Sensuality, Movement etc.
Who is it for?
• Don’t hang your hat on “hope” to make something change.
YOU have to be the instrument of change in your life.
• By this I mean, the right personality, the right chemistry, the right gut feeling that this girl is the one I should be working with…. whose ideas, approach and style resonates with mine.
• Someone I believe can help me, help myself.
• This works both ways too.
• If I don’t feel like I can best help a client, I will gladly refer them to someone who I think is better suited either personally or professionally.
• All that matters is that the client gets the help they need.
• And in the end, we all do our best work when we are in the presence of those who will draw out our best work.

• I believe most people are doing the very best they can at any given time.
• But their best is not getting them to where they want to be.
• They are generally stuck because they have never learned or had access to the tools, resources and strategies to get beyond the barriers.
Book a call … Deep dive
• Before we start working together, we’ll chat about your specific situation — what’s going well and what you’re struggling with — and you’ll fill out a questionnaire.
• I’ll spend some time really thinking about your challenges, and then we’ll talk about how I think I can be helpful and what changes you can expect from our time together.
Implementation + Action

• Our work is actionable — you’ll always have new things to think about or try.
How much do you wish you could feel and look great all the time?
• I am not psychic in any way, but if you are like most of my clients, then my guesses are spot on because when it comes to improving gut health and sensuality – the struggle is real!
• If you know me even just a little bit, then you know my calling is to help people, look and feel their best.
It is my passion to share with others the joy of stuffing vegetables into a bottle, the 4 R’s and to heal and seal your gut lining and to meet your true self.
We’ll celebrate or troubleshoot together
• Based on what you’re dealing with, we’ll do an exercise together — and you’ll receive 2-3 practices to try over the course of the next week.
• This means that you keep growing and learning in between our sessions.
When things change INSIDE YOU … things change AROUND YOU
How do I help people…?

I’m Lynnie Stein the creator of The Gut Academy
• We are all about improving the quality of life.
• So much more than weight loss, a better relationship with one’s body, improved mental health, to feel confident, empowered and connected.
• Our most valuable tool is goal-directed learning – the foundation for making habits.
• I approach healing differently.
• It is not a one size fits all approach, and I share tools that are customized to you as an individual.
• I specialize in the fundamental tools and principles that get streamlined results.
H.O.P.E (helping one person everyday)!
• My mission is to help and empower as many people as possible with my decades of research, practice and coaching.
• Your body is a temple and temples are started with a SOLID foundation.
• If you neglect your foundation and try to lose weight, your temple/body will come crumbling down (i.e. you’ll gain more weight).
• For some people, that means sitting in the corner at night screaming for ice cream.
• For others, it means a lot more time to read, to nap, to get back to dancing, singing, painting or other favourite and ignored hobbies.
• And some people realize they need to add new sweetness to their lives – to learn to ride a bike or go salsa dancing for the first time or ask someone out on a date.
• However, in the cocoon phase you will want to avoid small talk, to question your long held beliefs, + no longer do thing’s out of obligation or guilt.
• Whatever it is, expect self care before the butterfly emerges.

Is it hard?.
• What is required is a willingness and a curiosity to look closely at your life, your thoughts, and your behaviours’, and to stop going through life on autopilot.
• Being truly aware of yourself can be painful — most of us who struggle with occupation’s like food have things, big or small, that we’d rather not face.
• So yes, it’s hard and scary and sometimes painful.
•But that’s why I’m here: to support you, to show you the way, and to make sure that there is enough of my favourite emotion (JOY) to make you feel balanced.

• I can promise you that it will be worth it.
• My work is about helping you eat whatever you want without obsessing, stop worrying about your weight, and start leading the life you’ve always wanted to lead.
• It is definitely worth it.
Anais Nin said, “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
Intuitive Wellness…. Starting with a comprehensive holistic (mind, body, spirit) health questionnaire
• Your responses will help paint the picture of your current lifestyle habits, including mindset, and help to uncover your underlying opportunity for growth.
The questionnaire addresses the following areas:
• Using the 4 foundations for all good health.
• Digestion, detoxification
• Rhythm and sleep
• Movement and breath
• Mindset and spirit
• If you require help in another area, we will tackle that first.
• Whatever you decide, I hope you have a great week, and that you find the strength to be authentic and loving, in your eating and beyond. Xo,

What made me choose this work?
• My vision is when people see me they think, that girl made my life better.
I am a lover of life, seeker of laughter, gratitude junkie, mama to Thierry, fermenting queen, urban farmer, nature seeker, wellness enthusiast, intuitive mentor, and lifetime student. Creator of The Gut Academy. Create Where every woman is sensual. My mission is to help and empower women who are in the second stage of life and wanting to take the overwhelm out of discovering you and your sensual self! I do this by deconditioning through an intuitive path. You return to independence and vibrancy of your own and we create the sensual being & I love doing it!
• Almost everyone I’ve ever worked with struggles with their emotions (including myself.)
• And, our emotional health influences every aspect of our lives.
• The foundation of how we experience and cope with stressful emotions comes from how our parents teach us.
They do this unconsciously, through how they cope with their emotions.
• In my early 40s I had a complete emotional breakdown. I’d been in such a deep pattern of people pleasing where I never wanted to ‘let anyone down.’ Of course, I had been letting my self down in that process.
• This was because I had to see things from a new perspective rather than my trauma based “doing things for other people makes them love me.”
• I had to go through the journey to understand I was inherently lovable. And I didn’t need to perform a role and lose myself in the process. Then at 46 I had my first and only baby.

• What I’ve learned on my journey, is that choosing YOURSELF feels bad at first. Sometimes terrifying. Especially when you get people disapproving or misunderstanding on the other end.
• With time and in all honesty faith in the journey you begin to feel free. It would of been so much easier to have guidance on my journey. So here I am with complete hand-holding.
With my decades of research, practice & mentoring. Contact us today!
• Lynnie has studied nutrition, and the author of Healthy Treats (1980) and Food for Love (1994) and various eBooks, e-courses, membership Sensual Women, Healing Gut coaching program + Founder of Slim Gut … slimming the world, one gut at a time.
Jonathan Swift was right when he said, “Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old.”
If you want… I’d love to connect

“You should definitely sign up for the 6 sessions because it will allow you to get to know yourself at the core and see how you can best show up in the world each day.” ~ Gina O’Brien
• Truly, you can have the life of your dreams, feeling and looking amazeballs! I teach you to heal + consciously create a new version of yourself and living the life you want. But it must be built around how you’re uniquely wired and that can only come through a level of self-awareness that frankly, many peeps just don’t have.
• I’d love the opportunity to work with you.
Schedule a Virtual Meet ‘n Greet
• Click here to connect before you schedule your 1:1 session.
• I’d love to answer any remaining questions you may have or even discuss what’s working well in your life and what’s not.
As a result of becoming a client you’ll receive my weekly email.
You may unsubscribe at anytime.
Here’s some examples of what I love to give, and here’s what one person said about them:
Lynnie sends the best e-mails! I usually guard my inbox space super intensely, but I suggest that you hop on her e-mail list and let her thoughtful messages be the highlight of your week! – Carla
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