By Lynnie Stein / October 12, 2018

Healing Powers of Pau D’arco Taheebo Tea

Taheebo is the common name for the inner bark of the red or purple lapacho tree. This tree grows high in the Andes of the South American rainforest. The red lapacho’s purple-colored inner bark was one of the main medicines used by the Incas and has been used for over 1,000 years by the Kallawaya.(1)

The Amazing Healing Powers of Pau D’arco Taheebo (lapacho) Tea: Detoxify, Cleanse, Immune Boosting

  • Taheebo tea is said to help bolster the immune system, treat fungal and parasitic infections, sexual infections, inflammations and chronic diseases.
  • It also is said to help stimulate digestion, treats cancer, treats aids and improves blood health. However, please consult your health professional.
  • Various health benefits of taking lapacho have been claimed in the Western media since its “discovery” by a Brazilian news magazine in the mid-1960s.
  • These include treatment for terminal leukaemia and other cancers, diabetes, ulcers and rheumatism, amongst many other conditions.

Is Pau d’Arco Safe?

Pau d’arco appears to be fairly safe in the general population, though an interference with the biological cycle of Vitamin K in the body has been noted.

Pau d’arco is considered unsafe in pregnancy because of risk of miscarriage and birth defects.

It has been used in South American folk medicine in mixtures to induce abortions, but it is unclear which chemical(s) in the mixture cause any effect. 

(Bone & Mills (2013) Principals and Practice of Phytotherapy, Modern Herbal Medicine, Second Edition. Churchill Livingstone London p779.)

Brewed in just a few minutes, Taheebo Tea is caffeine and sugar free.

  • Taheebo is a favourite tonic to add to any tea blend since it doesn’t have a bitter medicinal taste and tends to help the power of other herbs in the blend.
  • Combined with nettles, horsetail, comfrey leaf, alfalfa, blue spirulina and other mineral rich herbs to reconstitute frozen pure juice and tibi (water kefir) blends – making the juice into more of an “iced tea”.
2 bottles of fermented beverages and a glass of dink with pink grapefruit and dried Davidson Plum

Another advantage

Adding Taheebo to other teas, particularly in the summer when the days are warmer, the antifungal properties help to prevent them from spoiling.


Taheebo Tea remains a daily element of the preventative wellness routine. And Melissa & Julien are on a mission to make this amazing tea available to all those seeking its wellness properties! Visit:

Here’s to your wellness!

FREE 3 video series


4 R’S - REMOVE, REPAIR, RESTORE, AND REPLACE In today’s video I’m taking on the 4 R’s 1) Remove, 2) Repair, 3) Restore, and 4) Replace• “Leaky gut” means instead of foods being broken down, absorbed, and eliminated, partially digested foods can cross through the damaged area of the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream directly.• Healing and sealing the gut lining will allow your body to build a strong immune system and produce the right number of neurotransmitters for the best ‘gut feeling’ … to be well again.
In today’s video I’m taking on the 4 R’s 1) Remove, 2) Repair, 3) Restore, and 4) Replace
• “Leaky gut” means instead of foods being broken down, absorbed, and eliminated, partially digested foods can cross through the damaged area of the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream directly.
• Healing and sealing the gut lining will allow your body to build a strong immune system and produce the right number of neurotransmitters for the best ‘gut feeling’ … to be well again.


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