By Lynnie Stein / April 29, 2022

Happy New Moon

Solar Eclipse The Weekend #soultribe. To honour this seasonal rite of passage, spend some time in nature this weekend. It is now in full bloom, and looking luscious. Go barefoot and soak up the electro-magnetic energy of the earth flowing up into the soles of your feet, and around your body.

This is the New Moon to make love, be loved and give love.


by Rebekah Shamon

Tomorrow’s Taurus new moon solar eclipse completes an eight year cycle that began on the last Taurus new moon solar eclipse in 2014.

I see the completion of this cycle as a good opportunity to reflect and integrate the last eight years. It enables us to see how much we have grown and changed, if we are still on track, or if we need to make some changes.

Issues involving money, finances, career, success, fame and abundance that are unresolved can also come to the surface to be dealt with over this moon. Be careful not to take it out on others, and allow feelings of regret to overwhelm you.

A new moon reminds us that it is time to be still and in inner communication with oneself, especially if things are coming up to be faced. It is what I call ‘Sacred Space,’ when we intentionally find the time to listen to our intuition.

There is a lot of media noise and opinions, and it can get very confusing to work out what is our truth. When we dive into the silence we can hear our own inner wisdom.

This is especially important if it has been an intense time, something is not quite right but you are unsure what it is, or if you are needing some clarity and guidance on a particular relationship or issue.

We may see secrets being revealed and things hidden coming to light, so taking time out to hear what your intuition is telling you will be very useful over this new moon cycle.

This Taurus new moon eclipse also falls on the eve of Beltane – the Celtic festival celebrating the beginning of Summer. In ancient times, children would dance around the maypole, signifying the unification of the male and female energies. Fires were lit throughout the countryside, and couples would stay up all night making love to increase the fertility of the land.

This is the festival where we honoured and thanked Mother Earth for our healthy existence, and prayed for a fertile and abundant harvest. In ancient times the priest and priestess would embody the Horned God and the Fertile Goddess, to ensure the fertility of the land and the newly-planted crops.

Fortunately, this Taurus New Moon is also being influenced by a beautiful Venus and Jupiter conjunction. It is illuminating our creativity, inspiration and determination, and if our self-worth, self-respect and self-awareness are strong, we will feel good about who we are, the path we are on, and choices we are making.

This Taurus new moon will also give us a big energetic boost, as we begin to see the first ripening of the seeds we have planted in the past. Some very old dreams may be coming true now, especially seeds planted in 2014, over the last Taurus new moon solar eclipse.

However, you may find this solar eclipse is bringing up things from your past that haven’t served you in business, relationships and health matters. These regrets may create more mental mayhem, and bring to the surface hidden destructive patterns and thoughts that may express themselves in a ninja style (thoughtless and brutal).

Solar eclipses bring hidden clarity, but can be more painful than a full moon eclipse, as it shows us where we have not been in alignment with our hearts, so be aware of emotional triggers this weekend. These intense feelings will subside after the weekend passes.

As we head into the eclipse window and face our shadows, be kind to yourself and others. When we come from a place of love and compassion we will be able to navigate any turbulent emotions that may stir us up, and feel more harmonious and peaceful.


This is the New Moon to make love, be loved and give love.

To really enjoy this time of intense yet exciting movement forward, accept everything is happening perfectly, breathing through any fear, doubt or resistance, so that you can flow more effortlessly with the momentum as it unfolds.

Find the time in the next few days to write down any inspirations you may be receiving for your projects, or rewrite an existing project, including all the new information and inputs you have received since the Libra full moon.

Connect with the energy of the project, and visualise it blooming and growing. Every day you need to nurture your project by sending it positive energy, and a belief in its creation.

Ask the Taurus New Moon for guidance if you are feeling stuck, and don’t know what to do next.

Trust that you have all the answers inside yourself that you can access at any time.

Go outside under the stars and from your heart centre ask the Moon for a message or some guidance that will help you on your path. It may not come straight away so be patient and open to whatever comes up, it may take you by surprise.

Spend the coming two weeks, while the Moon waxes to full, following your intuition. If you are feeling particularly brave and courageous, take a leap of faith and leave an unfulfilling job or relationship to follow your passion.

The Taurus new moon reminds us that life can only be really enjoyed when we are doing what we love and love what we do, with the Cosmos fuelling us forward with courage and determination this is the time to just do it!

I will end this Lunascope with the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

-Martin Luther King Jr

Shout out to all the people who haven’t felt okay recently, but are getting up every day and refusing to quit.

Stay strong, Big love, Xo,


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