By Lynnie Stein / November 15, 2018

Kimchi Bowl

Fermented wild rice + kimchi bowl

Kimchi Wild Rice Bowl

Fermented wild rice can form the nutritious base of a delectable salad of chopped, diced, fresh + fermented vegetables including cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, shallots, capsicum, carrots, and kimchi.

Add a few chopped soaked raw nuts of your choice, and season with hint of fresh minced sage and oregano, lemon juice, a little wild rice, raspberry vinegar, salt and pepper.

Plus, you can always add protein of choice to boost nutritional bounty, or serve it hot for a pleasant change.

Once it is fermented wild rice can be consumed entirely raw.

It is simply a matter of taste.

Without boiling the fermented wild rice is crunchy.

Add combinations of soaked walnuts + dried pears or pecans + apples.

Try a Miso Dressing with lots of snow peas and fresh greens. Toss through fermented salsa + smashed avocado.

Fermented Wild Rice

1 1/2 to 2 cups Wild Rice

Cold Water

Place rice in a glass jar and cover with cold water.

Allow the Rice to ferment in a closed jar for 3-4 days at room temperature.

Drain, rinse and refill with cold water once per day.

Note: Some say that rinsing and draining away the liquid can reduce the amount of nutrients.

It is assumed that along with the reduction of phytic acid, the beneficial minerals also are degraded.

Without rinsing the rice becomes mushy and the water becomes very murky.

To cook: Rinse fermented wild rice and place in a medium sauce pan.

Cover with water.

Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer. (Medium to low heat setting) Simmer and stir occasionally for 20-25 minutes.

The cooking time is drastically lower than usual since it has soaked for three days!

Once tender enough to your liking rinse the rice under cold water to stop the cooking and prevent clumping.

Do not over cook! Taste test at fifteen minutes.

🖤and bacteria, Xxoo Lynnie


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