By Lynnie Stein / March 6, 2021

Do you soak dried fruit?

Dried fruit is a traditional winter standby.

The fresh fruit is dried on racks, perhaps in the harvest sun.

As the water evaporates and the fruit shrivels, the sugars left behind become highly concentrated.

This concentration of sugar stops the big bad bacteria growing, and of course the dried fruit lasts a long time.

In our kitchen we soak and dry dried fruit to help reduce sugar levels.

We submerge organic dried fruit in tibicos and leave overnight.

It then can also be dried in a dehydrator for 6-12 hours depending on the thickness. (not required)

Soak dried figs in turmeric and ginger lime Tibicos overnight (aka water kefir) drizzled with coconut yoghurt for breakfast compote or dinner dessert.

Soak dried fruit in water kefir overnight with a handful of quinoa, grated ginger and lime zest.

In the morning add a couple of eggs and green banana flour to a cake consistency (not too runny)

Bake low and slow and enjoy!!

Let us know what you think!

Love and bacteria, Xo Lynnie

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