By Lynnie Stein / February 1, 2021

Ditch the dimples with Coffee Scrub

Don’t let lumps, bumps or sandpaper skin put you off wearing a bikini.

Here we have an easy DIY body scrub!!! Formulated to actively target cellulite, stretch marks with caffeine from coffee grounds.

Woohoo!! There’s still time to streamline your silhouette without hitting the gym

Bubble bath

• Using a body scrub every second day will help you shape up in the shower.

• Try a blast of cold water over the thighs and bottom at the end of a shower to shock and tighten muscles for a firmer appearance.

Here it is an easy DIY body scrub & repurpose your coffee grounds

• Here is a starting point – If you do not have all the oils – just use olive oil. You can multiply ingredients for larger quantity to gift or sell.

Coffee Scrub

½ cup coffee grounds
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup oil (mix of olive oil, orange oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, macadamia oil & vitamin e capsule
Mix ingredients together in large bowl.

• Apply in a circular motion to targeted areas on the body (approx. 5 minutes)
• Rinse off with warm water
• Pat dry with a towel and moisturize

girl on pushbike with basket of fermented bottles of veggies, dancer pose yoga, chicken

Everyone’s body is different and the most beautiful bodies are the healthy ones!

We were created all differently, so the most important thing is to LOVE the body you have been given and treat it well 🙂

Now you have something to do with the grounds after you brew yourself a cup of fresh coffee.

Note: It is best to patch test 24 hours before scrubbing if irritation occurs, discontinue use and see your health practitioner. Avoid contact with eyes.

External use only

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