An alphabet of gift ideas that include not only things to make and selections of home grown produce but also offers of your love, labour and energy to perform chores for special Mother’s and Grandmother’s. A gift of precious time that will always be welcome.
With just a little help, even the smallest child will be enthralled making some of these special gifts all year round or for unique gifts.
A whole case of your own grown fruit or vegetables.

APRONS are always handy for the busy cook, or sew a serviceable one in strong calico or canvas for the gardener or handy-mum.
- A special thought for Mothers Day…When Mother was little, one penny was a lot.
- As she grew older, valued commodities changed e.g. sheer stockings in her teens were a luxury and worth saving for.
- That was in the good old days, before we realised we were not immortal and needed to care about the environment and quality of life.
- Having children and grandchildren many miles apart, among other things, we started to value priceless things like letters.
- People were writing letters hundreds of years ago.
- My mother says she feels sad when looking in the mailbox, not the inbox, and it is empty.
- She misses the anticipation of a handwritten letter.
- Write a heartfelt letter, it may just be the best Mothers Day gift.
- A grandchild’s photograph and paintings are an added personal bonus to send as well.

- A family video of the children, wrapped with a packet of organic popcorn and seasoning mix 1⁄4 cup dried basil, 1⁄4 cup dried marjoram, 1⁄4 cup dried thyme,
- 1⁄2 cup nutritional yeast powder, 1⁄4 cup garlic powder,1 ⁄8 cup kelp powder.
- In a grinder, grind basil, marjoram and thyme and mix well with the rest of the ingredients.
- Store in an airtight glass container away from heat and light.
- Attach the following instructions on a homemade gift tag.
- Sprinkle on lightly buttered popcorn and enjoy! (add a small bottle of organic coconut oil – organic popcorn, popped in coconut oil is just deli-sh! no need for butter or seasoning).
- B BISCUITS We gave Grandma a “Biscuit of the Month” certificate along with one dozen cookies. Come beginning of each month, we bake a different kind of cookie and send via the mail.
- My four year old son loves getting Grandma’s parcel ready each month + we enclose a recent photograph of her grandson.

- BREAKFAST IN BED Pamper your wife, mother, sister, or friend with a breakfast in bed on Mother’s day!
- Complete with herb tea, poached organic eggs, muffins, blueberry smoothies, bircher berry muesli and fresh fruit from the garden.
- If Mum does not like the crumbs in the bed, let her read in bed whilst you prepare and set a beautiful table for a breakfast celebration.
- BONSAI TREE in shallow handmade pottery container.
- BOOK Make a personal book.
- The kids can cut pictures of things they like out of magazines and then glue them into the book.
- Cut up some old photographs (or copy some photos or print from your computer) and glue their heads on other bodies, animals etc, and make a unique story book.
- BIRD SEED for those who enjoy bird watching.
- BOOKMARK if your mom is fond of reading, then a personalized bookmark would just be apt for the occasion.
- There can be distinctive types of bookmarks like bird bookmark, greeting card bookmark etc.
- BASKET Grapevine baskets made from own grapevine, and fill with special treats.
- BATH OIL For centuries women have been using oils in the bath to soften and scent their skin.
- 1 bottle of organic olive oil + 1 tablespoon Castile soap + fragrant essential oil of your choice. Combine all together, except essential oil.
- Place into bottle or jars and add oil drop by drop. Shake to combine. Nice accompanied by a drawstring bag filled with dried herbs. The bag can be hung around the tap while the bath is filling or just thrown into the bath.

- BATH SOAK In the centre of a hemmed calico square place 1 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup almond meal and 1/2 cup cornmeal.
- Tie up into a ball with a length of lace.
- The mixture will diffuse into the bath water.

- BAGS …DIY bags make the perfect Mothers Day gift – shopping, library, gift bag etc.

- C CELEBRATING Mother’s Day gives you a chance to celebrate all the important mothers in your life. Show each of them how much you care by surprising them with a unique and personal gift that she’ll remember for years to come.
- Remember elderly neighbours and friends with a small homemade gift too.
- COLLAGES These collages look wonderful hanging in windows, worn as pendants and used as an Eco-friendly card.
- Let your imagination run wild and create a range of different craft items including a mobile, cards, etc.
- COCONUT BALLS made with organic ingredients and love – dried dates, apricots, rolled oats, carob powder, orange juice and rind, coconut.
- Add everything blender / vita-mix/ food processor and blend until smooth. Roll in coconut.
- CHOCOLATES After-dinner treats such as chocolate-covered organic Brazil nuts and organic strawberries – just melt some organic (like Green & Blacks) dark chocolate in a bowl over just-simmering water, skewer your nut, strawberry, fig (or organic dried fruit) dip into the melted chocolate.
- Lay on paper to set.
- Place in decorated jars, baskets or homemade boxes.
- Do-it-yourself chocolates – It is possible to mould your own chocolates, and fill them with nourishing centres. A box of your chocolate creations makes a delicious personalised gift for the chocolate loving mother.
- CRAFT You can really make any craft Eco-friendly by choosing papers and supplies that are environmentally friendly.
- Such as … Use what you have!
- We all have bits of paper, odds and ends everywhere.
- Use recycled paper, ribbon, fabric etc bought from thrift shops, too.

- CARDS Make a beautiful Mothers Day card from a brown paper bag / any old paper / recycled board / fabric and some ribbon.
Brown paper (from a grocery bag) or paper or card or fabric scraps etc.
A hole punch, Ribbon (about 1/4 inch wide) or thick yarn
Markers or crayons
Cut a large heart or what ever shape you desire from brown paper or fabric using pinking shears. Using a hole punch, make a series of holes around the edges of the card. - Make an even number of holes. String ribbon or yarn through the holes.

- Tie the ends in a bow (this is the hardest part of this project).
- If the bow doesn’t look good, you can glue the ends of the ribbon to the back of the card instead.
- Write a message, paste a photo (or the children can draw a picture) on the card.
- Glue pictures from old cards onto homemade or store-bought recycled paper to create new cards.
Glue pretty paper on the inside of old cards to cover previous writing–and send them again. Make a greeting card or gift tag from scrap paper, fabric or wallpaper. For short mother quotes use a large leaf or flat stone. Make cards or gift tags from pieces of a food box .Write lovely mother love quotes.

- CANDLES Make beeswax candles (paraffin-free), to light your special Mothers Day dinner or breakfast.
- Try pouring them into small canning jars, mugs/ cups, tins or any pretty container.
- Use old beeswax candles which are nearly used up and re-melt them into new!
- CERTIFICATES like the above for Grandma’s biscuits – bread, muffins, cakes, chocolates, preserves or a monthly dinner if you live close by.
- COUPONS Make up coupons that can be redeemed for everything from a hug to weeding the garden and taking out the trash, whatever comes from the heart.
- Use a hole punch and ribbon, a stapler, or paper brads to hold your coupons together.
- Breakfast in Bed Coupon, Walking the dog Coupon, An hour of silence Coupon, One hour control of the remote control, Big hug Coupon, Washing the dishes Coupon.
- Ask Mom what she would like added to the coupons. Once you have Mom’s requests, all you have to do is make them a reality!

- D DAY OFF By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacation-less class.
- It’s true. Children and/or spouses are always around.
- Everyone always needs something.
- There’s usually way too much to do and most of it had to be done yesterday.
- There’s often tension between work outside and work inside the home.
- And when mothers do try to take some time for themselves, they usually feel guilty.
- So, one of the best presents this Mother’s Day may be making mom a nice breakfast -and then (after you clean up, of course) leaving!
- Let mom do what she likes.
- Make it clear that she can’t do anything around the house or work-related, only things for herself. Maybe she’d like to go out for a hike or a walk.
- Maybe she’d like to take a long, quiet bath.
- Maybe she’d just like to watch a program that she enjoys.
- And when the family does return home, no long faces or guilt trips.
- Mom upside down – WOW
- DRIED FLOWERS Do an arrangement in a basket or jar, or glue to a woven place-mat and use as a decorative wall hanging / or for a place-mat for the tray for breakfast in bed.

Naturally dried flowers to keep your home low-tox. Anything that celebrates nature’s beauty, whilst also having benefits for the home just speaks to me. Mum will love décor with a purpose.
- DIY Prepare an organic meal for your Mother and pamper with a hand massage or a day of pampering from homemade beauty products.
Download your fermenting food recipes

- E ENERGY (in the form of job vouchers) ‘I promise to mow the lawn for one month’ or ‘I promise to tend the compost heap for one month’ or ‘I promise to rake the leaves for one month’.
- Reduce … maybe a promise not to pester for toys, trainers or clothes for the next three months and to make use of what’s in the household already?

- Recycle … maybe a promise to sort out cans, bottles or newspapers for refuse collections or for taking to a recycling centre for the next three months? Or perhaps a promise to sort out (good quality) unwanted books from around the house; and sell them for example via green metropolis Green Metropolis will also sell children’s’ books.
- EMBROIDERY Embroidered tea towels and pillow cases.
- Stitch grub roses and leaves in simple stitches to fancy up hand towels and face washers.
- F FLOWERS fresh bunches from your garden of… tied up with pretty fabric and a big bow, or pressed flowers framed, or glued to notepaper, cards or a bookmark, will be sure to please.

Flowering potted plant.
- Flowerpot A simple-to-make flowerpot that is great as a gift. You will need – unglazed clay (terracotta) flowerpot , acrylic paint , paintbrushes.
Optional: A pack of organic seeds or potting soil and a young plant. - Optional: recycled paper and ribbon to wrap the plant pot.
- Using paints, decorate a clay plant pot. Butterflies, plants, or polka dots or hearts are nice, simple decorations.
- If you will be adding a plant to the flowerpot, a painting of that plant is a nice touch.
- Let it dry completely.
- Optional: fill the plant pot with potting soil and plant the seed of a fast-growing flower (like marigolds) or put in a small plant (herbs like chives are a nice choice).
- FABRIC AND PAPER Covered books.
- G GIFT WRAPPING IDEAS Use your imagination to present your homemade gifts in baskets (check out thrift shops, and decorate), decorated jars for cookies and treats, shells for small soaps, decorated clay pots or painted tins for plant cuttings and herbs.
- Wrap your gift in something useful – tea towel, scarf, chamois cloth or pillowcase and shopping bags that Mom will appreciate for itself.
- Place several small gifts in an attractive little basket that will have future decorative uses.
Consider using blueprints, wallpaper and fabric scraps, brown paper, newspaper, butchers paper (that the children can help decorate), graph paper, rice paper, children’s drawings, old maps, old sheet music, A3 or A4 paper (cut out the used print or paint or glue pictures if printed both sides, get your children to draw on one side) for attractive effects. - Use ribbon, string, rope, wool, instead of sticky tape.
- Decorate with sprigs from the garden.
- Consider adding edging, patches, buttons, draw-ties, or re-purpose other adornments from around the home.

- Give a gift in a gift: A scarf with matching sash ribbon, a set of canisters, a towel, a sheet, a cup or mug, a hat or box, or even a shirt all hold gifts without contributing to landfill problems.
- Visit a garage / yard sale or thrift store for more container ideas.
- Make your own gift boxes from cereal and tissue boxes.
- Juice cartons (in quart or half-gallon size or juice boxes)
- These make interesting containers if you’re giving small size gifts (vouchers or Eco promises in the juice boxes) or bigger gifts.
- Have the kids take any recycled board or paper and glue to decorate the cartons with a solid colour and then they can cut out hearts or flowers etc.
- Or they can glue on buttons or glitter or anything you have around the house to personalize it for that special Mum or Grandma.
- GIFT BAGS For some really fun bags, start cutting up some of that worn out clothing and sewing it together into rectangular pieces.
- You choose the size bags you want and then sew up the fabric on three sides like a pillowcase.
- I’ve found a bag that is 18 inches by 24 inches is the most useful for giving everything from clothing to books.
- Turn right side out put in a gift and tie at the top with some ribbon or yarn.
- After you give the gift, Mum can return the bag and you wash, fold and put away until the next occasion.
- GIFT BOX or jar filled with hand-written letters of all your favourite memories, for mum to munch on.
- GOURDS for useful and decorative objects from the garden.
- GARDEN miniature, of herbs in assorted pots.
- H HANDMADE GIFTS Many ideas for things start from items you might see, in magazines, online or elsewhere, add your own touch, and you have an original gift.
- HAND MASSAGE The loving touch! Hand and Body butter 2 oz Cocoa Butter,1 oz Olive Oil,1 oz Coconut Oil, 2 oz Shea Butter,1 oz Jojoba Oil,1 oz Beeswax (grated).
- Melt all ingredients, and mix well, while cooling, if desired, add essential oil.
- A drop or two of Rose Geranium Essential Oil is a nice addition.
- HERB BUTTERS And HONEY flavoursome gifts for the dedicated cooking mother.
- HAT crochet, fabric, knit, whatever is your thing.
- HUGS gift box Get the children to help make a tiny box from scrap cardboard and gift wrap with ribbon etc. Attach a gift tag which reads…
This is a very special gift
That you can never see
The reason it’s so special is
It’s just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely
Or are ever feeling blue
You only have to hold this gift
And know I’m hugging you.
You never can unwrap it
Please leave the ribbon tied
Just hold the box close to your heart
It’s filled with hugs inside.
- HERBS freshly picked in bunches, dried, or pots.
- Make Bouquet Garnie bags containing parsley, thyme, bay leaf and peppercorns tied up in scraps of muslin or gingham to flavour Mum’s soups, stews and casseroles.
- HANKIES for grandma … tie a cake of homemade soap in a pretty bundle with a ribbon bow or roll a cake of soap in a handkerchief and tie with a pretty ribbon.
- HOMEMADE CARDS Cut out suitable pictures from old birthday cards, or use an old photograph of yourself (baby pictures are good to use, if you have some) and stick onto recycled paper to make a card.
- Or else make a home-made card using your very own artwork (and verse, or quote).
- HANDPRINT especially nice for Grandma’s.
- Add the child’s hand print, name, date and poem to a homemade card.
My Hand-print
Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls
But everyday I’m growing big
And soon I’ll be very tall
Then all my little hand prints
Will be hard to recall
So here’s a special hand print
Just so that you can say
this is how my fingers looked
when I placed them here today
- I IKEBANA arrangement.

- INCENSE There is really no special formula for incense.
- A variety of aromatic gums, resins, spices, organic essential oils, crushed herbs and barks can be mixed together or utilised separately to produce perfumed smoke when burnt.
- Mix herbs and essential oils with a base (makko powder), which makes it combustible without chemicals.
- Creating your own incense involves research, experimentation and trial and error.
- But with the wonderful blends you end up creating, it’s well worth the effort.
- IOU write out IOUs on recycled paper or card.
- Offer gardening, seasonal meal prepared, day out at the library, museum, art exhibition, whatever takes Mum’s fancy.
- Inexpensive Herby Ideas – herbs for the kitchen, bathroom everywhere!
- J JEWELLERY fun jewellery from sea-shells, pottery, beads, and found items from nature.
- Make a bead neck garland.

- JARS decorate empty jars with simple flower designs or colourful patterns in enamel paints. Fill with homemade treats made with love and organic ingredients.
- Make a memory jar Write out some of your best memories (a dozen or more) of Mum or Grandma on small pieces of pretty paper.
- Include things you’ve done together, favourite family traditions, things she’s done or said that made a difference to you, the best advice she’s given you.
- Fold them and put them into a jar so that she can “munch on them” over time.

- A “best memory” note can also open dialogue in a strained relationship.
- People are often surprised at your best memories of them.
- You’ll be surprised at how much sharing these memories mean to Mum or Grandma.
- JARS FILLED WITH HOMEMADE JAMS + FERMENTED GOODNESS of every description are always pleasing.
- Present two or three small jam jars (use baby food jars) in a basket.
- To make jam jar covers, cut circles of colourful fabric saucer size.
- Pink the edges and secure to top of jar with a small rubber band.
- Finish with a thick coloured wool, raffia, string or twine and a bow and tie a personalized label or glue a label on the jar.
- JUMPERS knitted from homespun wool.
- K KNITTED slippers or socks.
- KITCHEN GIFTS from your pantry or stove will be well received.
- Preserves, herb ed vinegars, cakes, puddings and pies are a few possibilities.
- L LOVE NOTES Hide “love notes” around the house.
- Each note can have one reason on it that you love mum.
- Mum will find some of the notes on Mother’s Day, and the rest through the following week.
- LIQUEUR in fancy bottles (lots of home-made recipes around for Tia Maria and others).

- LUSCIOUS LIP GLOSS 1 cup organic coconut oil + 1 cup grated beeswax + 1/2 cup caster oil + fragrant oil of your choice (peppermint / lavender)
- Place the coconut oil and the beeswax in a pan over hot water.
- Stir until melted then add the caster oil.
- Stir well to combine all the ingredients then add your fragrant oil drop by drop until the perfume you require.
- Remove from the heat and pour into small containers or jars.
- Before giving as a gift add a pressed and dried flower to the top of each lip gloss, replace the lid and wrap with rice paper.
- Decorate each gift with a little of your personality.

- LAVENDER AND LACE dry lavender from the garden and make up handy bags and sachets from pretty scrap material with lace and ribbon trims.
- LEMON SACHETS all you need is 2 cups lemon or orange peel (dried and cut into bits), 1 tablespoon bruised caraway seeds, 1 tablespoon bruised coriander seeds, plus a few drops of oil of lemon. Mix together and package in bags of muslin, gauze etc, decorated with ribbon.
- Ready to keep a drawer fresh.
- LEMON OIL is speedy to concoct and is great in the bath. Swirl together 2 tablespoons glycerine, 1/4 cup Castor oil, 1 dropper oil of lavender, 1 dropper oil of rosemary and 1 dropper oil of lemon.
- Pour into bottles of your choice with a ribbon around the neck, with a lemon sachet dangling from it.

- M MOTHERS DAY SHOPPING AT THE THRIFT STORE A good source of materials is your local thrift stores.
- Apart from the savings for your pocket and the environment, you are helping a deserving charity.
- As well as avoiding the commercialism of Mothers Day.
- Choose garments that are cut straight and gathered rather than shaped or gored, although these can be used for small items.
- Sale items (yes, thrift stores have sale bins as well!) are just perfect as you can cut around any holes, stains etc.
- Any zips and buttons are bonuses and can be put away for future projects.
- From a velvet or silk dress or skirt you could make cushions, pincushions, jewellery boxes, Eco bags or patchwork items.
- From adult dresses make herb pillows, aprons, place mats, patchwork articles, handbags, shopping bags, coat hanger covers.
- Denim jeans make Eco bags or peg bags.
- Wool jumpers can be unpicked and knitted or crocheted into new gifts.
- Make sure the garments you buy are not matted.
- Wind the wool into hanks, wash and steam to remove crinkles.
- From this wool you can make gloves, caps, bags, cosies, golf club covers, cushion covers.
- These are just a few suggestions for starters, the possibilities are almost endless.

- Bake a special cake for afternoon tea.
- Moccasins for cosy feet. using dried kombucha scoby
- Maidenhair fern in hanging pot.
- MARMALADE Honey 1 cup sliced citrus, 2 cups organic honey.
- Heat both together until honey is runny.
- Take off the heat.
- Leave for an hour.
- Reheat, strain when honey is runny.
- Pour the still runny honey into a jar. (Honey will thicken as it cools).
- Keep honey in the fridge.
- Note: this honey will be runnier than it was before the citrus was added. It should last at least several weeks, and hopefully longer. Great for Mothers Day breakfast.
- N NUTS organically grown , if you are fortunate enough to have a nut tree in your yard and place in a decorated jar, bag or basket.
- Nuts and seedpods glued to a lidded basket, or to a woven place mat to use as a wall hanging will be a unique gift.
- Arrange in a pleasing pattern filling in any gaps with smaller nuts, seeds and grasses.
- The bigger variety of material, the more interesting the end result.
- NIBBLE DISHES made from pottery or woven grasses – fill with treats that Mom will love.
- NO COST GIFTS lovingly crafted from homemade or recycled materials.
- O ODDMENTS of fabric, ribbon etc for a craft basket.
- ORANGE RINGS spiced and bottled.

- OLIVES home grown and preserved.
- OLD TOWELS – for new tea cosies and other household uses.
- ODDMENTS of fabric can be cut into 15 cm by 15 cm (6 x 6 in) squares with pinking shears.
- Place a dessertspoon of lavender in centre.
- Gather up in your hand and secure with a rubber band and tie with a pretty ribbon.
- Makes a pretty lavender sachet to hang in a wardrobe or tuck into a drawer or handbag.
- P PICNIC BASKET fully stocked and head for your nearest picnic spot and enjoy the day with Mom!
- PHOTO FRAME insert a favourite photo and decorate the frame.
- Write a message on the back of the frame.
- PERFUMED herbal pillow.
- Pressed flower gifts.

- POTPOURRI have always been a favourite and are apt to win difficult Grannies’ hearts.
- This one will have her calling you the favourite grandchild even if your boyfriend resembles Godzilla and belches over her pumpkin scones.
- Early one morning gather together 1 pint of rosemary leaves, 1 pint lavender leaves and flowers, 1 tablespoon powdered orris root, and 2 drops oil of rose geranium.
- Place in a box to dry out, occasionally mixing, stuff into pretty glass jars, preferably with a cork stopper for a quick release of vapours.
- POMANDER Pluck a small orange and gently stab it with a skewer so that the cloves can be inserted without aerating your thumbs.
- Once completed, leave it in a dim spot to dry out but first sprinkle with 4 teaspoons orris root powder, 2 teaspoons allspice, 2 teaspoons powdered cinnamon and 2 teaspoons powdered cloves. Decorate with ribbon and simply let Mum or Grandma hang it for a great fragrance.
- PAMPER package

- Potions and lotions homemade holistic beauty to pamper Mom.
- Step 1: Cut junk mail into small shreds, soak it in warm water for about 2 hours, and blend it in a blender.
- Step 2: Add small quantities of flowers, grass, and leaves for fun, color, and texture.
- Step3: Spread it out on a flat, fine-holed, wire-mesh screen—use a rolling pin to flatten it.
- Step 4: Smear a tablespoon of corn-starch over the paper to increase its strength.
- Step 5: When it dries, you can use this paper as stationary, to decorate used boxes, or even to make Mothers Day Cards. (For an even prettier look, glue dried flowers on top of the paper).
- Patchwork can be colourful for aprons, carry bags and bed quilts.
- PENCIL HOLDER Rinse an empty can out and smooth away any sharp edges around the top.
- Let children decorate with cut out motifs or left over scraps of material or found items from nature.
- PENCIL STAND Sand the edges of a piece of scrap pine ( 14 x 6 cm is a handy size).
- Rule a line down the centre and mark off the holes.
- Carefully drill holes wide enough for pencils or pens to fit it.
- Paint or decorate with children’s help of course!
- PLANT a tree for Mom that will last a lifetime.
- Q QUICHE baked to your favourite recipe.
- QUILTING place mats to serve your special dinner or breakfast.
- Make a set of quilted place mats by cutting rectangles 30 cm by 40 cm (12 x 16 in).
- Bind edges all around with bias binding or wide satin ribbon, or turn edges under twice and machine stitch to finish.

To a child’s ear, “mother” is magic in any language.
Arlene Benedict, For Mother with Love
Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face
George Eliot, English novelist
A mother’s love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever.
Mother is the bank where we deposit all our hurts and worries.
No influence is so powerful as that of the mother.
Sarah Josepha Hale
The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.
Barbara Kingsolver
Mothers are instinctive philosophers. Harriet Beecher Stowe
She’s my teacher, adviser, and greatest inspiration. Whitney Houston
A good mother is worth hundreds of schoolmasters. George Herbert
A mother loves her children even when they least deserve to be loved.
Kate Samperi, “Mothers”
There is no substitute for mother.
Mother is the one we count on for the things that matter most of all.
Katherine Butler Hathaway, “The Journals and Letters of the Little Locksmith”
When it comes to love, Mom’s the word.
For all the ways you’ve helped me grow
I want to say I love you so.
Who ran to help me when I fell,
Or kissed the place to make it well?
….My mother.
Ann Taylor
A mother understands what a child does not say.
Jewish proverb
Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother
Lin Yutang

- R ROSE HONEY delicate flavour. It’s much simpler to flavour honey than make jam.
- Heat 1 cup honey until runny.
- Add 1 cup fragrant rose petals (must be chemical free), white bit cut off.
- Leave with lid on for two hours.
- Heat with lid on until runny, strain, bottle- or repeat with more petals if it’s not fragrant enough.
- RUG crochet or knit.
- Crochet granny squares or knit squares to form a knee rug, or a larger rug for a chair or sofa.
- S SUGAR AND SPICE Making potpourri and other scented delights is enjoyable, easy and doesn’t necessitate owning an old-fashioned cottage garden.
- You can beg, borrow or buy most of the aromatic flowers and leaves and with the addition of a pinch of spice, a little orris root powder and a few drops of essential oil, create a nose-twitching mixture. Packaged colourfully and artistically you have a beautiful and unique gift that Mum and Grandma will cherish.

- SCENTED SACHET tie up dried lavender, jasmine or orange blossom into small fabric squares to hang under the hot tap for a special bath!
- SEEDS selection of seeds saved from your garden, in marked packets with comical sketch on packet.
- SCENTED DELIGHTS Solid perfume – 1 2/3 pt. beeswax + 10 g (1/3 oz) each of lavender oil + oil of rose + oil of lemon. Melt the beeswax and then slowly pour the oils into whilst stirring.
- Pour into small jars or small chocolate moulds or found moulds around the home, plastic lids etc. When the perfume blocks are solid take them out of the moulds, wrap in cloth and tie with ribbon. These perfumes are ideal for carrying or keeping in the drawer to scent clothes.
- Mom can try rubbing some on the corner of towels or drapes for a fresh fragrance.
- 1/2 oz cocoa butter + 1/2 oz beeswax + 1 tablespoon glycerine + 1 tablespoon rosewater.
- Melt the cocoa butter and beeswax slowly in a double boiler.
- Remove from heat and add the glycerine and rosewater slowly, drop by drop, stirring all the time until the mix reaches room temperature and is the consistency of cream.
- Now add several drops (let your nose be your guide) of one or more of the essential oils – calendula, sage, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender, thyme, lemon.
- Store in a clean jar, Mom can use as a deodorant or a solid fragrance for her pulse points.

- STRAWBERRY plants.
- SCRAPBOOK PAGES Get everyone in the family to help make a few scrapbook pages to send, especially nice for Grandma’s.
- These could be made on standard Eco friendly 8 1/2 x 11 card-stock and then covered with clear page protectors and put into a nice 3-ring binder.
- This way siblings from far away can send pages without having to match a particular scrapbook page size. Keep on sending pages for special celebrations.
- No wrapping, easy to ship, a surprise from each family involved!
T TIME just spend the afternoon chatting and sharing time together. - Go through old photo albums together on Mother’s Day and reminisce.
- At the end of the day curl up and read a book to Mum – A little Something
- TERRARIUM of selected tiny plants set in pebbles.
- TEA a selection of various dried herbs suitable for tea-making.
- Telephone book cover made from leather, fabric or recycled material found from around the home.
- TAPESTRY cushions and wall hangings from leftover wool.

- UMBRELLA make pretty lavender umbrellas from small print fabric, lace and ribbons.
- Cut a circle the size of a dinner plate , fold in two and cut in half (makes two umbrellas).
- Sew lace trim to right side of fabric on outer edge of one semi-circle.
- Fold semi-circle, with right sides together, into a cone shape and sew seam leaving a small opening at the bottom. Insert a pipe cleaner into the hole, leaving 22 cm (9in) protruding.
- Secure chenille stick or pipe cleaner to base of cone shape with hand stitching.
- Turn right side out and half fill with lavender.
- Secure with rubber band, tie a ribbon bow to trim, and bend hook in top of chenille stick or pipe cleaner to form “umbrella”.
- UNUSUAL potted plant – bromeliad or a Venus fly- trap, pitcher plant.

- V VINEGARS AND OILS make up herbal vinegars and organic salad oils in glass jars with sprigs of rosemary, tarragon, parsley, etc and season with garlic and peppercorns.
- VIOLETS fresh, dried or potted.
- W WINE home – brewed, in fancy bottle and personalized labels.
- WIND CHIMES made from pottery discs or anything recycled that takes your fancy.
- X X-TRAORDINARY homemade gifts are also extremely appreciated by their recipients because of the time, care and love taken in the making.
- Y YOURSELF there’s some of you in every homemade gift, because of the pleasure in the making and the giving.

- Z ZANY hand printed organic T shirt.
- ZESTY HERBS hand picked from the garden and turned into culinary delights – pesto, to accompany a fresh home baked herb loaf.
- The nicest gifts are always those that have been handmade, fashioned by the hands of the giver and full of warm vibrations.
- Making your own need not be expensive or difficult.
- It just requires imagination and a little skill.
The varied ideas we have included here should start you on the absorbing and productive path.

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