Let’s manifest the most amazing 2022 people, you deserve it!
Affirmations & mantras have played an important role in the Gut Academy program.
In fact, we’ve found affirmations and mantras (and other supportive, positive quotations) so vital for maintaining a positive outlook that we’ve affixed them on walls and even wrote them on chalk boards throughout The Gut Academy space and garden.
My body is healthy; mind is brilliant; soul is tranquil.
Grounding into an affirmation allows you to connect to it.
Your mental health is absolutely vital.
Take care of your mindset and the way you speak to yourself.
We can’t give what we don’t have. By enrichening your life, and you will be life-giving to others, too.
I am healing at my pace, not the pace from a book, magazine, or guru.
Be grateful for any breakdowns last year.
It’s setting you up for a massive breakthrough.
Your mission is getting clear.
Peace is within you.
Money is flowing your way.
You found out who your real friends are and you are making health a priority.
I’m proud of you for your growth!
“Difficult times are part of my journey and allow me to appreciate the good”
“This will be my healthiest year yet”
For many peeps, manifesting can seem like some mysterious, wizardry, woowoo, magical or some thing out there experience!
“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou
There are so many different components. Like do you need to hold crystals or chant. But the truth is, it’s much more simple than you think…
You don’t require to do any of that.
These are just tools…simply just options available to you to get you into the right state to manifest what you want and deserve.
The KEY comes from within you.
YOU have the power in you right now, whether you believe it or not.
It’s less about asking, and more about BE-ing.
Everything we want to be and create, starts from within. Limits only exist, if you believe they do. Everything you want is possible. What’s possible for others is proof it’s possible for you. Stop believing in imaginary limits that the mind chooses to accept. Challenge yourself to look at those limits, and change your mind. Manifesting helps you do the work. Instead of staring at pictures – you see, feel – open the doors.
Manifesting is a habit. Decide what you want is definite and “I AM WORTHY OF HAVING IT”.
See yourself with what you intend to manifest in 2022. Visualize your neighbour watching you drive by in your dream car. See it playing out like you are watching a movie & you are the star. As always, follow what feels best for you!
This is another tool to add to your daily practice.
Choose one mantra as a first morning routine for the next 21 days – one thing to manifest and move on to continue to meditate and visualize other things in the coming year.
Repeat the mantra, even in your inside voice, as required throughout the day.
“Today is a beautiful day of opportunity;
I am exactly where I need to be;
I open myself to the universe
And trust in the unfolding of my life”.
Why Mantras?
Freedom to create. Get rid of the struggle. Pull you back into your power.
How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
What I think & believe is a choice.
Technically, mantras are sacred words, sounds, or verses that carry more spiritual meaning than affirmations (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). Frequently said aloud or mentally, they are believed to have deep significance and they feature a lot in meditation.
More specifically, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica:
“Most mantras are without any apparent verbal meaning, but they are thought to have a profound underlying significance and are in effect distillations of spiritual wisdom.”
Positive affirmations, in contrast, are described by the Psychology Dictionary as brief phrases, repeated frequently, which are designed to encourage positive, happy feelings, thoughts, and attitudes. They hold no spiritual or religious meaning in the traditional sense and can be used for many purposes.
” I honour my body’s wisdom by trusting the signals that it sends.
It is time to heal and I choose to be in alignment with my body’s way of doing that.
It always works out for me, everything is rigged in my favour
I am ready, I surrender. I am open & ready to receive”
“I am a money magnet, financial abundance is mine. I am so very grateful”
Universe work your magic. I am open & ready to receive immediate financial abundance.
Everything always works out in my favour. I always get what I want.”
“Abundance is always available to me, & money is an unlimited resource I can tap into at anytime. I am worthy of having what I want, & if others can have it, that is proof I can have it too. I follow my heart & follow where I feel called. I choose to live in the NOW & stop waiting for the future. Everything works out for me. I always get what I want.”
This is the year you have waited your whole life for. This is the time you have waited for
Know it and feel it in your heart.
“I am meant to have what I want. I am open to to receive” I am deserving of it”
Relationship … ask for a harmonious, happy, loving relationship. “I need a loving, committed partner. I Need someone who deserves all I am & all I have to give”.
“Someone out there loves me”
Self forgiveness is the path to awakening.
“I forgive myself, I did the best I could. I am human and allowed to make mistakes.
Many peeps are at war with themselves their entire life.
When we forgive ourselves, we make a conscious effort to make peace with ourselves and to stop demanding perfection that doesn’t exist for humans.
“I forgive myself for all my past & choose self acceptance” Don’t let regret creep in. Forget the past, talking and thinking about your ex, will make you think you need an apology. In reality we need to forgive ourselves. We are only human. There’s so much more to life than finding someone who will want you, or being sad over someone who never deserved you.
See it – everything always works out in your favour – pick a new desire each 21 days.
Discover YOU
We have been given a gift that we call life.
Life is a miracle.
Let Love lead. "I love this old dress: the colour suits me, the soft fabric fits like a hug, and I feel a million bucks in it. Purchased for $8 from my fave charity store. Bonus: I'm cutting down on fast fashion and over-consumption!"
I was betraying myself – allowing boundaries to be violated.
Not communicating how I was feeling and going without any of my needs being met in an attempt to help people in my life, or not upset them. I created a lot of my own suffering.
NO blame. It’s about awareness.
It’s me who chooses who I allow into my life, what behaviour I accept & what boundaries I place.
I was intoxicated by the idea of saving someone the way I wished someone saved me.
I can now chose MYSELF and new people. ..it’s learning to open up now and then, saying “yes” to some of the opportunities I’m blessed with.
It’s about channelling love, passion, hope, joy, rather than making your choices based on fear, anger, despair, or someone else’s opinion.
MY intention for today is …
I appreciate I am taking inspired action today.
Are you ready to be authentically you?
Take a small break from worrying and do something that channels you inner kid and just brings a little bit of happiness.
“It isn’t where you came from. It’s where you are going that counts” Ella Fitzgerald
Many peeps have observed and felt life-enhancing effects of these continuous reminders, and have asked us to make them available in book form.
So here they are. You may choose to read each day or download and print to frame and mount them – or simply clip and affix – or you may have them enlarged and laminated. Or write on notes, and place inside your pillow case when you sleep or in your pocket during the day. The choice is yours.
Why affirmations?
Because many of our students have found they work! Affirmations and mantras produce results by forcing us to abandon our old negative mindsets, and adopt a new, positive outlook.
You speak your future.
Is There Science Behind Them?
Science, yes. Magic, no. Positive affirmations require regular practice (HABIT) if you want to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel. The good news is that the practice and popularity of positive affirmations are based on widely accepted and well-established psychological theory.
According to psychotherapist Ronald Alexander of the Open Mind Training Institute, affirmations can be repeated up to three to five times daily to reinforce the positive belief. He suggests that writing your affirmations down in a journal and practicing them in the mirror is a good method for making them more powerful and effective (Alexander, 2011).
We manifest our thoughts.
We only create as much love, fulfilment, success & joy as we feel worthy of having.
I am abundant
I am ok
I am enough
I am loved
I am safe
I am worthy
Well, there you have it!
Now go take on the world, go skinny dipping, surf, sky dive, or skip work and hula hoop with your kids…. go live life to the fullest!
How are you going to rock 2022?
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